How has it been an entire twelve months?! In some ways the days have flown by and in other ways it does feel like it’s been forever that we’ve had Haven in our family. She is the sweetest baby girl and her siblings just adore her. Often reminding me to “hurry take a picture! Tomorrow she might not do that anymore!” As if I’m not already aware of just how quickly time flies with ever changing little ones. They themselves are evidence of that. She was the first baby of our family that my oldest was able to realize how quickly babies evolve into toddlerhood. Such a bittersweet thing to witness. I am thankful that Liam and Hadley realize to an extent how precious her baby months have been, because it’s brought forth the photographer, the time documenters if you will, in both of them. Very frequently asking for my phone so they can have the honor of capturing her laughs, stiff toddle of a walk while pushing a chair across the kitchen floor, and the little games she invents with us.
The week that Haven arrived into the world was predicted to have alarmingly cold weather for Houston Texas. The midwives at The Addice Birth Center took such great care of us for the length of my pregnancy. They thought it would be best, considering that I was at the time 41 weeks and four days gestation, to try some natural inducing to encourage labor. I was already 7cm dilated and Haven was ready, we just needed some good contractions to get things going. After a couple of hours of curb-side walking, belly lifts, and just about everything else we could do to encourage a contraction pattern, labor certainly seemed to be upon us. (Hooray!) We continued to labor at The Addice and I began to get discouraged thinking, maybe this is all false labor and we’ll go home after all. I know that sounds absurd, I was 8cm at this point! But this wouldn’t be the first time, both of Haven’s older sisters had a similar, very strange, very stubborn labor progression. As the midwife encouraged me to try different things, they continued to monitor Haven’s heart rate. Suddenly, we could tell something wasn’t quite right during one of the heart rate checks. “Go ahead and try rolling to your other side.” Sometimes babies don’t like certain positions. That didn’t seem to help much. Immediately, an oxygen mask was placed on me and an ambulance was called to transfer us to a nearby hospital.
It was terrifying, but a strange peace held both Patrick and I the entire time. I prayed out loud through the oxygen mask over Haven, Patrick, the midwives and myself. “That’s right, just keep praying over your baby.” The midwife encouraged me. At the hospital, Haven’s heart rate normalized after dropping very low twice more. It was a whirlwind and suddenly we were in an atmosphere neither of us expected. We had had two previous very smooth Birth Center births so this scenario felt foreign, sudden, and scary. I asked for an epidural which everyone thought would never come in time with this being our fourth baby and how far into labor we were, but lo and behold, it did. I was very thankful to have time to process, ask my midwife questions, and pray more. Haven arrived safely just a little over one hour later. She was here, she was healthy, and that’s really all that mattered. We had a prolonged stay in the hospital due to the freezing roads outside and we could not wait to get her home and see everyone waiting for us!
When we chose her name, of course I wasn’t thinking of the crazy unexpected situations her birth would put us in. But through all of the storm and chaos, God kept us at peace. He was my safe haven. Thank goodness the rest of her first year on earth wasn’t nearly as dramatic as her brith. But that statement continues to hold me fast through the sweet chaos of mothering four little ones. I hope this story can encourage you whether you’re expecting or if you’ve experienced something similar. I got to rejoice in the safety of my baby and at the same time had to grieve the brith we planned for. A simple thing to mourn compared to some realities- I know. Life almost never goes as we plan for it to. But I know we can trust the Author who so intentionally planning ahead for us.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27
Happiest birthday my sweet Haven Faith. You are a treasure.
Allie Nichols Photography | Houston First Birthday Photographer
January 14, 2025
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God blessed you from the beginning with Godly parents who taught you how to live and love like Jesus. You have done this from childhood as you were a great example of the love of Jesus as you shared with your siblings and cousins! We all prayed for a Christ like mate for you and God blessed you with Patrick! Your four adorable and precious children are special blessings from God! Your photography is a very special gift from God! To Him. be all the praise and glory! HB Haven Faith!💞💕🙌🙌
I love your birth story! Every single birth is so unique and special just like each baby is unique and special. Happy 1st Birthday to Haven! 🩷